Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry

Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry has said that the Skhirat Agreement is the perfect solution to the Libyan crisis. 

The agreement guarantees an effective participation of all Libyan parties with the aim to put an end to the current crisis, Shoukry said in his speech at the inauguration of the 10th ministerial meeting of countries neighboring Libya earlier Saturday.

Egypt is committed to Libya's sovereignty and will always support its legitimate institutions, the top diplomat said, adding that Egypt is also against any interference in Libya's affairs. 

Indeed, Libya's neighbors play a very important role in efforts to reach a solution there, Shoukry told his counterparts. 

He welcomed a decision by the Arab League to appoint Salah el Gebali as its special envoy to Libya. 

Shoukry also praised the role played by the African Union, where the Libyan crisis is concerned. 
Egypt is also committed to a political solution as the only way out of the current Libyan crisis, Shourky said. 

That's why Egypt is working hard toward a Libyan consensus that should be reached without any interference, the foreign minister added. 

Egypt has hosted many meetings of the different Libyan parties with the aim to achieve a common ground, he noted. 

In December, the Libyan parties issued a statement voicing commitment to the Skhirat Agreement as the only political solution, Shoukry said. 

They also defined some pending problems that could be solved through negotiations, he added. 
Efforts exerted over the past period by Egypt along with Tunisia and Algeria showed that the political solution is a necessity, said Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry. 

The Skhirat Agreement is the only framework for this solution, he added. 

Libya's neighboring countries were affected by the Libyan crisis and its implications, including terrorism, organized crime, illegal migration and drugs, he further said. 

He also pointed out to the difficult security conditions in Libya, adding that Libya is facing a real danger from the terrorist groups.

Terrorism in Libya will be eliminated only through the political settlement which allows re-establishing of Libyan State institutions and supporting the Libyan army and police forces, he made it clear. 

He further hailed efforts exerted by Libya's neighboring countries, urging countries and organizations, who wish to promote understanding among Libyan parties, to be join Libya's neighboring countries in efforts to resolve the Libyan crisis. 

Libya's neighboring countries are keen on coordinating with each serious party who seeks to resolve the Libyan crisis, he affirmed. 

He, meanwhile, affirmed that Libya's neighboring countries are keen on restoring security and stability and re-establishing its legitimate institutions. 
League of the Arab States Secretary General Ahmed Abul Gheit on Saturday said that the pan-Arab body was committed to its responsibility towards people in Libya and to maintain security of the Arab country. 

Addressing the 10th ministerial meeting of countries neighboring Libya, Abul Gheit added the Arab League encourages rivals in Libya to reach an inclusive policy under Skhirat Agreement. 

He asserted that the AL would continue backing legitimate institutions in Libya to overcome challenges at the levels of security, politics and economy. 

The Arab League is going to intensify contacts with the Presidential Council, Government of National Accord and Parliament of Libya alongside key political actors to solve the root causes of disagreements, he said. 

He noted there is an agreement on key principles of a roodmap that would be in place to find a political solution. 

The rivals in Libya are requested to set for dialogue and distance themselves from the military escalation threats, he added.
Algeria's Minister for Maghreb, Arab and African Affairs Abdelkader Messahel asserted on Saturday that the Libyans are the only people who can reach a solution for crisis in the Arab country. 

Addressing the 10th ministerial meeting of countries neighboring Libya, Messahel hailed efforts exerted by UN envoy to Libya Martin Kobler. 

He stressed that the international community shall continue support to the UN-backed efforts to bring factions in Libya together on one table for negotiations. 

The Libyans are determined to get out of the crisis and defeat terror groups, he said, adding Algiers is ready to host dialogue sessions by Libyan rivals. 

He reiterated importance of concerting efforts in fight against terrorism that gripped the country for years. 

In the same context, Libyan Foreign Minister Taher Siala hailed efforts exerted by Cairo to host the meeting and find a mechanism for dialogue between Libyan groups.

Source: MENA