Emirates Red Crescent

Emirates Red Crescent, ERC, has distributed emergency humanitarian aid to patients suffering from renal failure, cancer, and disabilities in Ataq, the capital of the Shabwa governorate in Yemen. This latest aid delivery is part of the humanitarian campaign recently launched by the ERC in the governorate, and the relief efforts exerted by the UAE towards the Yemeni people to alleviate their suffering and improve their living and economic conditions.

Mohammed Al Muhairi, head of the ERC team in the Shabwa province, said that medical aid including providing patients with chemotherapy and kidney dialysis session. Individuals with disabilities also received rehabilitation and physiotherapy, he added.

Al Muhairi emphasised the ERC's keenness to continue implementing humanitarian projects and provide aid to reach all citizens in need across Shabwa, as part of its efforts to provide relief in light of the difficult circumstances in Yemen, embodying the spirit of brotherhood between the two countries.

The aid beneficiaries expressed their sincere appreciation and gratitude to the UAE government and people for this humanitarian initiative.

Source: Wam