- The Emirates Human Rights Association

The Emirates Human Rights Association, EHRA, has expressed its support for the statement issued by the National Society for Human Rights, NSHR, in Saudi Arabia, which condemned the Qatari government's sudden withdrawal of citizenship from Sheikh Talib bin Mohammed bin Lahoum bin Shraim, along with 54 other members of his family and the tribe of Al-Morah, including a number of children and 18 women.

"This step constitutes a flagrant violation of the legal rights of these citizens and violates the principles of human rights," said Mohammed Salem Al Ka'abi, Chairman of EHRA, adding, "This step has made them displaced without a homeland or stability and are subject to all kinds of risks and deprivation of their rights."

Mr. Al Ka'abi urged all international human rights organisations to respond to the call of the National Society for Human Rights in Saudi Arabia to shoulder their responsibilities and follow up the situation of these victims and stand by them.

He expressed his support for the demands of the Saudi Human Rights Association that the human rights societies, organisations and committees in the world should assume their legal and moral responsibilities towards Qatari citizens whose nationality has been revoked and threatened by all kinds of risks.

Source: Wam