Cairo - UPI
Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi will unveil candidates for membership in the new Cabinet by Friday, the country\'s prime minister said. Morsi, the candidate from the Muslim Brotherhood\'s Freedom and Justice Party, was declared the winner of a presidential election in June. This week, he named former Irrigation Minister Hesham Kandil as prime minister. Qandil, in statements Tuesday, said the next Egyptian government would be \"technocratic\" featuring ministers vetted for administrative capabilities. The Egyptian Parliament is dominated by Islamic parties like FJP. Kandil, while describing himself as religious, isn\'t affiliated with any particular Islamic platform. Morsi said Kandil is expected to outline a short list of candidates for a new Cabinet by Friday, Egyptian news agency al-Ahram reports. The Supreme Council of Armed Forces, the military authority that took power after the 2011 revolution, still wields considerable influence in Egyptian politics. Morsi is the first president in Egyptian history to be elected by a democratic vote. Without a new constitution, however, the powers of the civilian government are unclear.