Cairo - MENA
Calm prevailed around the HQ of the Muslim Brotherhood in the Cairo neighborhood of Mokattam, a few hours before protests planned there take place. Twenty opposition powers and 30 public figures called for staging protests outsidethe Brotherhood HQ under the theme of "Friday of Restoring Dignity." The protesters will call for holding early presidential elections in September under full international supervision, sacking the prosecutor general and appointing onechosen by the Supreme Judicial Council, sacking the government and forming a national salvation one and suspending the constitution. They will also demand the formation of a new national Constituent Assembly to draft a new constitution on which a public referendum will be held and that cannot be passed unless it garners 50\\%+1 of the registered voters. They want the Muslim Brotherhood to be either disbanded or subjected to the existing law governing civil societies and reveal its funding sources. Among the groups participating in today's protests are the Free Egyptian Party, Socialist Popular Alliance Party, Al-Karama Party, Al-Dostour Party and the National Association for Change.