Boutroseya church

Documents of the case of targeting the Boutroseya church, involving four terrorists who are held in custody, uncovered that the suspects are adopting the takfiri thought.

According to their thought, they allow themselves to kill Christians and target their places of worship and seize their funds and property.

They also hold the Armed Force and civil police along with the ruler of the country as infidel, according to the case's documents.

The first session of questioning them ended early in the morning on Wednesday whereby the prosecution decided remanding them for 15 days pending investigation.

They are facing charges including joining an outlawed group aimed at suspending the rules of the constitution and laws and preventing the State institutions and public authorities from undertaking their job along with attacking personal freedoms of citizens and undermining national unity and societal peace.

They are also accused of possessing explosive charges and involvement in targeting the Boutroseya church.

Source: MENA