Waheed Mubarak Sayyar

The Undersecretary of Regional and Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Affairs, Waheed Mubarak Sayyar participated in the meetings of the 148th regular session of the Arab League Council at the ministerial level in Cairo.
Sayyar reviewed the most important developments in the region, stressing the importance of maintaining Arab security and developing joint Arab action as an effective means to face the various challenges confronting Arab countries.
He stressed the need to come together in the face of terrorism that threatens everyone and to work to dry up its sources and to confront decisively all those who support and fund it.
In response to the Qatari representative’s allegations, Sayyar condemned the involvement of Qatar in financing extremism and terrorism and interfering in the internal affairs of Bahrain through over several years, including the military aggression in Fasht Al Dibil, in addition to promoting ideas and adopting the positions of terrorists in order to undermine security and stability.
Qatar’s deviousness and focus on sub-matters that are irrelevant to reality and ignore the main demands, first and foremost support and sponsorship of terrorism and interference in the internal affairs of other countries, were affirmed.
The Undersecretary called on Iran to immediately stop its interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries, respect the principles of good neighbourliness and end its support to terrorist groups.
He also stressed the importance of resolving the Palestinian issue as a necessity for establishing peace and security in the region.
During the meeting, the resolutions for this session were adopted, mainly those related to the Palestinian issue, Iranian interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries, maintenance of Arab national security, combating terrorism, and the development and reform of the Arab League Council.

Source: Fana News