A delegation of schools today returned to Bahrain

A delegation of schools today returned to Bahrain after taking part in His Highness Shaikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al-Maktoum’s Arab Reading Challenge.

They were welcomed at Bahrain international Airport by Education Minister Dr. Majid bin Ali Al-Nuaimi, Al-Iman Schools board of trustees’ chairman Ahmed Al-Zayed, Undersecretary for Resources and Services Dr. Mohammed Mubarak Juma’a and other officials and parents.

Dr. Al-Nuaimi hailed the dedicated efforts of the minister, public and private schools to compete in the Arab Reading Challenge and honour the Kingdom of Bahrain.

A total 25,000 students from 275 schools took part in the competition on the national level – of whom 3000 managed to achieve the ultimate goal and read 50 books.

Last year, 18,000 from 179 schools competed contest in Bahrain as part of the first edition of the pan-Arab reading challenge.

He hailed the achievement of Al-Iman Girls’ School which ranked first and claimed the 2017 title in the contest which attracted 41,000 schools from the Arab countries.

On behalf of the ministry’s personnel, public and private schools, students and parents, Dr. Al-Nuaimi, he paid tribute to the wise leadership for their support to the education sector in Bahrain.

Source: Fana News