The success of Bahrain’s security agencies

The success of Bahrain’s security agencies in enforcing the rule of law is a guarantee to protect the rights of citizens and residents, Minister of Information Affairs Ali Al Romaihi said.
He stressed that Bahrain is moving ahead with applying the appropriate legal procedures and the imposition of judicial sentences as a deterrent to extremist terrorist groups and elements.
“Bahrain has entered a new stage in which there is no compromise with the heads of sedition and terrorism,” Al Romaihi said in an interview with the London-based Al Sharq Al Awsat. He also expressed his pride in the “fraternal” Saudi and Gulf positions supporting Bahrain as it takes legal measures to safeguard its security and stability.
The minister said that enforcing the rule of law was a real guarantee of the rights of citizens and residents to security, safety and the protection of their property and contributed to tightening the screws on terrorists and their supporters, including foreign parties, who funded and incited them.
“Thanks to their efficiency and sacrifices, the security agencies finally managed to arrest 286 suspects and convicted individuals in terror-related cases, some of whom were hiding in the home of Isa Qassem, in Duraz village. They included convicts who had escaped from the Jaw prison, killed or attacked on-duty policemen and possessed and used weapons, explosives and explosive devices,” he said.
“The security forces succeeded in restoring the situation back to its normal levels, eased traffic of cars that had been stalled and removed all the obstacles and barricades in the area that had been turned into a hideout and a gathering place for fugitives and a source of nuisance and fear of for people. Innocent people felt frightened as their daily routines and interests were stalled and social and civil peace came under threats amid incitement to sectarianism.”
Al Romaihi said that the security forces conducted the operations with the highest levels of self-restraint and in accordance with human rights standards, the Code of Conduct for Policemen and the International Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials, “although their lives were at risk in the confrontations with the terrorists who hurled grenades and iron rods at them, resulting in the injury of 31 policemen and the death of five outlaws.”
The minister added that Bahrain was going ahead with the application of all legal procedures against extremist terror groups for the sake of the nation’s security, stability, unity and territorial integrity and in order to establish justice and to continue the democratic and developmental process.
“The collective national will is stronger than the sponsors of extremism, hatred and terrorism both in Bahrain and aboard,” he said.
“These legal procedures have restored calm and security to the Bahraini street and they are not targeted at a particular sect or segment, as is claimed by some sectarian media and politicized human rights groups. They do not affect the Kingdom's firm commitment to respecting the Constitution, international law and human rights covenants. Enforcing the rule of law is a decisive message from the state with its entire executive, legislative and judicial powers and its human rights and civil institutions. Bahrain, under its wise leadership and its people's awareness, is a country that embraces all its loyal citizens who place the interests of the nation above any partisan or sectarian interests or external loyalties. Bahrain will always resist terrorists, traitors and criminals and will remain a model of peaceful coexistence between all citizens and residents regardless of their religions and sects.”
Bahrain has entered a new phase in which there is no compromise with the heads of sedition and terrorism and it will not tolerate any faction or extremist group that attempts to threaten security and stability or to rupture legitimacy using foreign help, the minister said.
“Bahrain will strike with an iron fist anyone who plans to undermine the security and integrity of the country or to set up pockets or groups to instil chaos, terrorism or hatred within the safe Bahraini society.”
Al Romaihi expressed special pride in the honourable Saudi and Gulf positions and in the solidarity of numerous countries and the Arab Parliament with the Kingdom in its legal measures to safeguard its security and stability and the safety of citizens and residents.
“It is a clear affirmation that the security of the Arab Gulf is indivisible and inseparable from Arab national security. It will remain an impenetrable barrier against Iran’s interference which has been again exposed through the aggressive statements by its leaders and by its agents in the terrorist parties in the region.”
The minister called for the conjugation of the efforts of the international community to deter Iran’s terrorism and to dry up the financial and intellectual resources of extremist groups.
“The recent GCC-US summit and the Arab Islamic American summit in the Saudi capital Riyadh are a step forward in the direction of exerting international pressure on the Iranian regime in order to bring it back to its senses and respect the principles of good neighbourliness, non-interference in the internal affairs of others, putting an end to supporting, funding and harbouring terrorists, and abiding by international laws and covenants for the sake of the well-being and stability of the region and the prosperity of its people,” Al Romaihi said.

Source: BNA