The Arab League

The Arab League has welcomed as victory for Palestine and the international legitimacy the resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on Thursday in defiance of the US decision to recognise Jerusalem as capital of Israel.

The League's Assistant Secretary-General for Palestine and Occupied Arab Territories Saeed Abu Ali said the Holy City, under the provisions of the relevant UN Security Council resolutions, is an integral part of the occupied Palestinian territories.
"Today's UNGA resolution reaffirmed the Arab and Palestinian right to Jerusalem and rendered as null and void the US decision. It is a victory for the Palestine and the international legitimacy regarding the status quo of the Arab Jerusalem," he told reporters, Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) reported.
Abu -Ali highlighted the need to continue the collective Arab action and coordination with friendly countries at the international organisations with a view to ending the Israeli occupation and empowering the Palestinians to regain their right to independence and statehood.
"We will build on today's achievement to enhance cooperation with the overwhelming majority of countries of the world to materialize the will of the international community,” he said.
"There is a broad consensus on the two-state vision for solving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict and establishing the independent state of Palestine with East Jerusalem as its capital city.”
Abu Ali thanked the countries that sided with right, justice and the goals of the UN.
The resolution, adopted by a vote of 128 in favour, nine against and 35 abstentions, expresses "deep regret" over US decision on December 6 concerning the status of Jerusalem and stresses that the Holy City "is a final status issue to be resolved through negotiations in line with relevant UN resolutions.”