Arab Coalition Destroy Weapons Store for Houthi Militias in Sana'a
Arab Coalition Destroy Weapons Store for Houthi Militias in Sana'a

The Arab Coalition jets destroyed last night a weapons store belong to Houthi and Ali Abdullah Saleh militias in the Yemeni capita, Sana'a.
Yemeni security sources said that the Arab Coalition launched four air raids on Al-Deilami airbase in Sana'a airport and destroyed the weapons store.
On the other hand, the Yemeni army forces repelled an attack by Houthi and Saleh militias on important positions in mountainous region of Naham, north-east of Sana'a.
According to a military source, the militia attack targeted sites where troops are stationed in Qarn Wadaa mountain, but the Yemeni forces confronted with the militias and caused them heavy losses in lives and military equipment.
Meanwhile, a field leader in the Houthi and Saleh militias were injured in clashes with Yemeni army forces in Taiz, south of Sana'a.

Source: QNA