A showdown is looming between Jordan’s government and the opposition, with two massive rival demonstrations slated for tomorrow in the capital Amman, raising fears of an escalation of tension. According to organizers, around 200,000 supporters of King Abdullah II’s plans for reforms will rub shoulders with an expected 50,000 backers of the Muslim Brotherhood, the main opposition bloc, with the rallies set to take place at the same time at the same location. “Our demonstration will be peaceful and civilised,” said Zaki Bani Rashid, a Brotherhood official, reiterating the group’s demands for a “fair electoral law, a serious fight against corruption and constitutional reforms.” He dismissed as “provocative rumors” claims that the rally would call for the king to leave power, blaming “suspicious parties who want to spark a crisis.” “We must stop demonizing the Islamic movement, and stop inciting it.” In response to a protest movement that has since January 2011 called for political and economic reforms, King Abdullah II has announced elections due to take place before the end of the year. Arab news