Haseena Nazar an instructor for seven years at Art of Living Abu Dhabi.

For Haseena Nazar, yoga is just an exercise that is beneficial to mental and physical health. She sweeps away the notion of yoga being a religious activity or affiliated to any particular religion.

"Yoga helps a person to have a healthy mind and thoughts, and this in turn will have a positive effect on the body," Haseena, an instructor for seven years at Art of Living Abu Dhabi, said.

Here's how you practise yoga as you fast

(As told by Amanda Duncan, co-founder of Phoenix Rising)

June 21 is not just the longest day of the year or summer solstice (also known as midsummer), it is also the International Day of Yoga. And as we are now in the final stretch (pun unintended) of Ramadan, we are giving some tips on how to get the most from yoga or Pilates programme throughout Ramadan and beyond.

> Consider the type of yoga class

Explore slightly different styles of pilates or yoga classes. If individuals usually practise a more fast-paced Vinyasa style, perhaps during Ramadan it might be a time to explore a slower-paced, more restorative class such as Hatha or Yin.

> Time of day

When fasting, energy levels are likely to be at their lowest during the afternoon, so it might be wise to consider a gentler-paced class first thing in the morning, just before breaking the fast at Iftar or even later evening at least two hours after Iftar.

> Practical poses

After Iftar, incorporating twisting poses into a practice is a great way to aid the digestive process. If fasting, consider avoiding strenuous poses like headstands but techniques like The Hundred in Pilates or rolling like a ball are a great way to get the oxygenated blood flowing round the body which can help with energy levels.

> More meditation

Often those who are fasting take the opportunity to increase their meditation time during any practice which allows an extra chance to be present and thankful and ensure mindfulness throughout the holy month.

> Breathing throughout day

Deep, slow rhythmic breath can draw energy from deep within ourselves and focus the mind to overcome mental challenges people might be experiencing when their blood sugar and energy levels are lower and their normal daily routines are very different.

Haseena had to undergo seven surgeries with uterus-related problems. It was then that Bindu Anil, a friend, introduced Haseena to the world of yoga. And it worked like a miracle cure for her.

"After I started practising yoga, I never needed another surgery," she said. "Bindu was my teacher too. I had hormonal imbalance and other physical issues but there were big improvements once I started yoga."

Yoga, she said, has helped her recover mentally and physically. "I started practising yoga 13 years back." And her association with the Art of Living centre is 10 years old now. She is among the most experienced instructors at the centre.

Despite religious controversies and myths about yoga, Haseena's family never discouraged her from joining yoga classes. "My family has realised the benefits of doing yoga. My husband also does yoga. This is good for physical and mental health," Haseena said.

She said the United Nations declaring June 21 as the International Yoga Day has helped connect the entire world. "Yoga is an exercise which is extremely beneficial for the expats. We live a very stressful life and yoga helps tackle depression and anxiety," Haseena said.

She said many people have benefitted from yoga classes. "Everyone knows about the benefits. We have some 50 teachers and hundreds attending the classes."

She pointed out that many youngsters are now joining the classes. "We have one as young as six years in the 'Little Angel' group."

She said anyone can feel the difference and benefit from a six-day course. "Just try breathing exercise Sudarshan Kriya. It will relieve body of stress and help have a sound mind," Haseena said when asked about most popular asana.

Haseena's students said their instructor is an inspiring figure and someone who has benefitted immensely from yoga.

"When we learnt about how she has benefited, we too joined classes here," a student said, as the batch gathered for an Iftar at the centre.

Haseena's group took part in the International Yoga Day celebrations being held at Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre.

Source: .khaleej Times