ADM carries campaigns to protect city appearance
Abu Dhabi City Municipality

 Abu Dhabi City Municipality, ADM, has carried out a comprehensive campaign at old and new Al Falah as well as surrounding areas in collaboration with strategic partners. The campaign aimed to verify that stipulations set for protecting the appearance of the city are implemented, and removal of all distorting elements are carried out.

The campaign focused on several aspects highlighted by addressing peddlers and educating the public about the risks associated with purchasing products from these individuals.

The campaign also addressed the issue of abandoned vehicles as it distorts the urban appearance of the city. Abu Dhabi City Municipality called on community members to attend to their vehicles and keep them clean to avoid impounding them or issuing fines of up to AED3,000 as stipulated by Law No. 2 of 2012.

The Abu Dhabi City Municipality explained that the campaign to tackle the abandoned vehicles phenomenon was consistent with the provisions of Law No. 2 of 2012 for preserving the public appearance, health and public tranquillity in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.

The third episode of the campaign was combating the casual spread of unlicensed advertisements in the streets, plazas, public utilities, public and private buildings, lighting poles and entrances to buildings. In this regard, the Municipality will issue fines to offenders as stipulated by the public appearance Law No. 2 of 2012 and the maintenance of public places regulation amounting to AED1000.

Offenders will be required to pay the penalty within 30 days. Should the offender not pay the fine within the allocated timeframe, the Municipality shall refer the contravention to the prosecution.

The Municipality called on community members to adhere to the requirements of installing posters and ads on streets and obtain the necessary permits to avoid violations. The Municipality desires to strengthen the partnership and cooperation with the society in protecting the public facilities, maintaining the public appearance of cities, and removing ads when the approved permits expire.

Municipality inspection teams have also cracked down on outdoor shelters constructed at homes to ensure that owners have acquired the required permits and that they are compatible with the safety stipulations and public appearance standards.

Source: Wam