Yemeni special forces

Yemeni special forces, backed by the armed forces from the United Arab Emirates, UAE and the United States of America, USA, launched a major operation on Thursday against Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, AQAP, in the governorate of Shabwa, according to an official source from the UAE Armed Forces.

The Coalition had, through the UAE forces, been training and preparing the Yemeni special force from the different tribes in Shabwa. The special force's personnel were recruited from the various tribes in the governorate and given training in several disciplines, including weapons and equipment skills. The adequate training resulted in the perfect performance of the troops in Thursday’s operation.

Early in the morning, the Yemeni troops, who were joined by an elite unit from Hadramaut and supported by the UAE and US forces, moved from positions to launch an offensive on terrorist groups, particularly the AQAP, who exploited the situation in Shabwa and expanded thereafter. It was defeated last year in Al Mukalla by the Coalition forces.

The troops were greeted with cheering and singing while entering cities and villages of the Shabwa governorate, forcing the terrorists to flee and seek refuge in other governorates. The troops secured the main cities Azzan, Ataq, Al Aqla, Jabban and Houta. They also combed the adjacent villages to drive out the subversive elements that terrorised the people when Shabwa was under their control.

The counter-terrorism operations are one of the key operations carried out by the Coalition forces to provide security and safety to the Yemeni people. It also serves the international community as they combat the groups that took Shabwa as a base for anti-Yemen activities. The groups exploited the oil resources in the governorate to serve their own agenda, further worsening poverty rates in Yemen, especially in the governorate of Shabwa.

The Emirates Red Crescent is engaged in relief operations to alleviate the plight of the Yemeni people, while the UAE has reiterated its commitment to rebuild the institutions and the infrastructure in Yemen. The UAE also works towards enabling the Yemeni government to protect the oil facilities, which provide the main source of living for the people of Yemen.

Source: Wam