The recent shelling had come despite efforts launched by UN envoy

Scores of civilians have been killed and many more injured in recent days in incessant shelling by Iran-backed Houthi militias on residential neighbourhoods in Yemen's city of Taiz.

The recent shelling had come despite efforts launched by UN Security Council envoy to Yemen Ismail Ould Cheikh Ahmed to resume peace talks.

The massacre of civilians by the Houthis clearly demonstrated their actual plan to scuttle any possibility of resolving the Yemen crisis through peaceful means, especially when there were reports of possible declaration of a truce during the holy month of Ramadan to give negotiations a chance and deliver aid to areas which are vulnerable to famine, notably those which have witnessed a cholera outbreak.

The constant shelling by the Houthi militias in Taiz also came amid efforts launched by Yemen's legitimate government to recapture the city of Al Hudidda, perhaps as part of a strategy to give an impression they have the capability to stop government forces march to liberate Al Hudidda.

Meanwhile, known for abductions and killings, the Houthi gangs have let loose their reign of terror in Yemen since their rebellion against the government with the help of ousted former president Ali Abdallah Saleh. By resorting to such barbarous practices, the Houthi gangs aim to silence their rivals as well as those who raised their voices or put up any resistance to protest against their atrocities.  The latest of their crime came to light last weekend when they abducted a number of Yemenis who were protesting against the policies being enforced by the militia force in the capital Sanaa.

Armed gangs kidnapped any person who protested or objected to their policies. They also beaten up a number of Yemenis before abducting them and taking them to unknown places.  A number of Yemeni women were also kidnapped after they took part in a rally in Sanaa protesting against the economic conditions caused by the coup in the capital.

Other systematic crimes against the civilians and torture of abducted people in jails led to the death of a young man from the old city of Ibb. He was abducted by the Houthis and tortured severally before he died in his detention cell. He was frequently tortured since his abduction in Al Rakza district in Ibb about two years ago. He was tortured to death for refusing to make false statements. Many other young men in the city met the same dreadful fate.

The family of Salah Al Waraqi said their son was systematically tortured in detention centres run by the militias.

Yemeni forces gain complete control of Morthed mountain

Yemen's government forces have continued their victories on the Sirwah front in Maarib Governorate with the support of the UAE Armed Forces as part of the Arab Coalition Forces to restore legitimacy in Yemen.

A source in the UAE Armed Forces stated that Yemen's government forces, supported by UAE forces, have managed to gain complete control of Morthed mountain after fierce battles with Houthi militias. The Houthi militia suffered heavy losses as many of their fighters were killed.

The source added that the Yemeni forces also targeted a vehicle carrying several Houthi leaders and eight to 10 Houthi soldiers in Daraa mountain.

The source noted that controlling the Sirwah Front has a strategic military importance as it includes many supplies routes to the militia forces in Maarib and help exerting pressure on the Houthis in Sanaa which would facilitate the control of the capital.

Source: .khaleej Times