
Taliban notorious commander Qari Dost Mohammad is among four militants arrested in Dasht-e-Archi district of the northern Kunduz province on Friday, a local official Nasrudin Nazari said.

"Following a special operation conducted today morning in Daftani village of Dasht-e-Archi district, a Taliban notorious commander Qari Dost Mohammad along with three of his armed men were arrested," district governor Nasrudin Nazari told reporters here.

The official, however, didn't provide more details.

A similar operation involving drone strike in Dasht-e-Archi's neighboring Chardara district on Thursday had left six Taliban insurgents dead.

Taliban militants who are active in parts of the troubled Kunduz province have been attempting to overrun the provincial capital Kunduz city 250 km north of Kabul.

Source: Xinhua