The death toll of a suicide bombing that shocked Faryab's provincial capital Maimana city in northwest Afghanistan on Tuesday has risen to 17 and those injured in the violent incident stood at 48, the Public Health Ministry said in a statement. "A suicide attack that targeted Maimana city this morning claimed the lives of 17 and injured 48 others including women and children," the statement said. All the victims are civilians, the statement added. According to the statement, 41 inured persons who are in critical conditions have been evacuated for medical treatment to Kabul while the remaining being hospitalized in Faryab. Earlier, officials in Faryab province counted 15 dead and 27 injured. No one has claimed responsibility for the deadly bombing. However, provincial governor Mohammad Allah Baktash blamed the enemies of peace, a term used against Taliban, by Afghan officials for the attack. The armed outfit fighting the government and largely relying on suicide and roadside bombings has yet to make comments.