
The affiliates of Daesh terrorist group have threatened to kill journalists in eastern Nangarhar, reported Khaama news agency.

The threat has been broadcast through the group’s newly launched FM Radio ‘Voice of the Caliphate’ which is easily accessible in the provincial capital and the surrounding districts.

A number of Nangarhar-based journalists have told media on condition of anonymity that presenters of ‘Voice of the Caliphate’ were previously reporters in Nangarhar who have enough information about journalists in this province.

According to a report published by the VOA news, these journalists have said that the threat would have a negative impact on their jobs. Union of journalists in the eastern region of the country has urged all parties engaged in war not to create barricades in front of journalists as they are neutral.

Meanwhile, spokesperson for the governor of Nangarhar province says a mechanism is being worked out for the safety of the journalists. Ataullah Khogyani has said that journalists would feel immune through this mechanism.

According to the commander of the US and NATO forces in Afghanistan Gen. John Campbell, there are indications that foreign militants from Syria and Iraq had joined the ranks of Daesh loyalists in Nangarhar province and that they are trying to consolidate links with the group’s leadership in Syria and Iraq.

Source: MENA