China has been actively involved in peace-building and reconstruction in Afghanistan and will continue its contribution, a Chinese said in the statement at a UN Security Council open debate. \"Afghanistan faces a heavy and arduous task for restoring stability and reconstructing the country. Recently, thanks to the efforts by the government and its people, Afghanistan has registered noticeable progress in peace-building and reconstruction,\" Liu said, adding that its transitional period has entered \"a critical stage,\" Liu Jieyi, China\'s permanent representative to the United Nations said. China welcomes the recent adoption of the electoral law and structural law in Afghanistan, Liu said. \"We hope that all Afghan parties will continue their dialogues and consultations, properly tackle their differences, steadily promote the preparations for the related elections so as to ensure their success.\" \"China supports the national reconciliation that is led and owned by Afghan so as to achieve peace and stability of the country. We support the active role played by the High Peace Council in promoting national reconciliation. We welcome Pakistan and other regional countries in rendering further support. We hope the international community will support and work with the Afghanistan government and its people in their related efforts so as to create an enabling exterior environment for the reconciliation process,\" Liu noted. China will host the fourth ministerial meeting of the Istanbul Process next year. \"We will further enhance the efforts to promote the cooperation among regional countries and contribute to the peace and stability in Afghanistan and the region,\" Liu pledged. \"China has been committed to developing strategic partnerships with Afghanistan. We have paid attention to and been actively involved in the peace and reconstruction of Afghanistan. China will continue to render assistance to Afghanistan within its capability and play a constructive role in realizing peace, stability and development in Afghanistan,\" Liu stressed.