18 militants fighting for the (ISIS) group were killed in the latest operations conducted in Afghanistan

At least 18 militants fighting for the (ISIS) group were killed in the latest operations conducted in eastern Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. 
The Afghan Ministry of Defense (MoD) said two commanders of the group identified as Khetab and Kamran were among those killed. 
MoD further added that 22 militants of the group were also wounded during the operations, according to the Afghan (Khaama Press). 
The operations were conducted in Kot district involving security personnel from different security institutions, including army, police, and the Afghan Air Force, MoD added. 
This comes as the loyalists of the group launched a major attack on police check posts in Kot district early on Friday. 
At least eight civilians including women and children were killed and seven others were wounded during the attack by ISIS loyalists. 
According to reports, the loyalists of the group also kidnapped several women after the attack. 
The Afghan forces as well as the US forces are regularly targeting the loyalists of the group in this province in a bid to curb their activities.

Source ; QNA