Afghan Soldiers, Taliban Suffer Casualties amid Tense Situation in Helmand

The Afghan National Army (ANA) forces and the Taliban insurgents suffered casualties amid tense situation in southern Helmand province of Afghanistan. 
The provincial government media office in a statement said one Afghan soldier lost his life and five other were wounded in the latest wave of violence in three key districts of the province, according to the Afghan (Khaama Press). 
The statement further added that the clashes recently erupted between the Afghan forces and the Taliban insurgents in Nad-e-Ali, Garmsir, and Nawa district. 
According to the statement, at least 37 Taliban insurgents including the group's local commander were killed during the clashes and several others were wounded. 
The Taliban militants group has not commented regarding the report so far. 
Helmand is among the volatile provinces in southern Afghanistan where the Taliban insurgents are actively operating in a number of its districts and often carry out insurgency activities. 
The group launched a major offensive in Helmand province late last month amid reports that the Khanshin district was captured by Taliban militants. 
The Afghan commando forces were deployed to Khanshin following attack to push the Taliban insurgents out of the district.

Source: QNA