
At least 80 Taliban militants including their local commanders were killed following counter-terrorism operations in the past 24 hours in Afghanistan.
The Ministry of Interior said in a statement that the militants were killed in Nangarhar, Parwan, Takhar, Badakhshan, SAr-e-Pul, Kandahar, Helmand, Nuristan, Kunduz, Kapisa and Paktika provinces.
The statement further added Afghan national army, Afghan national police and Afghan intelligence – national directorate of security (NDS) operatives jointly conducted the operations.
At least 69 Taliban militant were also injured and four others were arrested during the operations, the ministry said.
The statemen also added that Afghan security forces confiscated various types of weapons, ammunition and explosives during the operations, according to (Khaama Press).
Afghan police forces also neutralized four improvised explosive device (IED) during operations in Zabul, Logar and Parwan provinces, the ministry said.
The Taliban militants group has not commented regarding the report so far.