Massive suicide bombing against government interests in Farah province 695 km west of Afghan capital Kabul on Wednesday have left eight people including two attackers dead and 72 others injured, mostly civilians, Farah\'s provincial governor Mohammad Akram Khapalwak confirmed.\"A five-member group of terrorists stormed more than one government departments including a court building in the provincial capital the Farah city this morning triggering gun battle,\"Khapalwak told Xinhua.Going into details, he confirmed that all the attackers dressed in Afghan army uniform and drove a military Ranger vehicle targeted the building of appellate court at 08:35 a.m. local time from where they began firing on a local bank branch and provincial governor\'s office.Two of the attackers who driving an explosive-laden vehicle blew themselves up inside the appellate court compound enabling three others to take positions, he said.He also confirmed that two of the attackers were killed in their blast but the remaining three began firing on the building of New Kabul bank, municipality office and governor\'s house.Those killed in the deadly incident include two suicide attackers, three employees of the appellate court, one police constable, one army soldier and a civilian.Among those received injuries in the attack and gun shots there are 11 policemen, two soldiers and the remaining are civilians including three judges, one detainee and two women.The attack took place while the judges were investigating a group of detainees including several Taliban militants, Khapalwak added.Meantime, he stressed that the situation has been brought under control.On the other hand, Qari Yusuf Ahmadi who claims to speak for the Taliban outfit, in talks with media via telephone from unknown location claimed responsibility, saying Taliban carried out the attack and the gun battle still continues.