Bodies of militants

Some 56 militants have been killed in latest military operations and clashes with security forces across Afghanistan, said the country's Defense Ministry on Monday.

The Afghan National Army (ANA) has waged several joint and independent military operations from July 16 to July 19, "killing 56 terrorists and injuring 19 other enemies," the ministry said in a statement providing operational updates.

Among the killed were 18 members of the Islamic State (IS) affiliated militants, the statement added.

The Taliban-led violence continues in Afghanistan. Afghan security forces have pressed on clearing the militants in restive provinces as they assumed the full security charges from NATO-led troops since Jan. 1.

The ANA also seized weapons and defused dozens of roadside bombs and landmines planted by the militants, the statement said.

A total of seven army personnel were also killed within the same period, the statement confirmed.

The Taliban militant group has yet to make comments.