Afghan National Army soldiers

Five Afghan National Army soldiers and eleven militants have been killed during separate military operations in past 24 hours, a statement issued Monday morning by the Ministry of Defense states.
According to the statement five soldiers were killed due to a landmine explosion. The statement does not contain information about the location of the incident, according to the Afghan (Khamma Press).
The statement adds that eleven insurgents were killed in separate military operations in four provinces of the country including Helmand province.
The statement further adds that three insurgents were killed in Operation Zulfiqar in Helmand province while eight others were killed in three other provinces.
Operation Zulfiqar is run by hundreds of Afghan National Security Forces in Helmand province for clearing the target areas from the insurgents.
The operation began last month in Sangin District but later extended to other neighboring districts.
Around 200 insurgents have been killed during Operation Zulfiqar.
Ministry of Defense also states that security posts have been established in the areas they have cleared from the insurgents during Operation Zulfiqar in Helmand province.
14 insurgents were also wounded during the operation and 109 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were also recovered and defused during the operations, the statement states.
Security forces also seized a large number of weapons and ammunition, the statement adds.