4 afghan national army soldiers were killed in a roadside landmine explosion

Four Afghan National Army soldiers were killed in a roadside landmine explosion while 73 insurgents were killed in separate military operations across the country in past 24 hours, statements issued Tuesday by the Afghan ministries of Defense and Interior states.
Statement issued by the Defense Ministry does not contain the exact location of the explosion where Afghan National Army soldiers were killed.
Defense Ministry statement added that 23 insurgents were killed, a number injured and 11 others arrested during military operations in nine provinces.
54 different types of Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were also defused by Army soldiers during the past 24 hours, the statement adds.
In the meantime, statement issued by the Interior Ministry states that 50 insurgents were killed, two wounded and five others arrested in police operations in past 24 hours.
Statement added that the operations were also assisted by Afghan National Army and personnel from the National Directorate of Security (NDS).
The statement further added that the operations were carried out in Takhar, Kunduz, Zabul, Uruzgan, Logar, Paktiya, Badghis and Helmand provinces where 11 different types of IEDs were also defused by Afghan National Security Forces.