Military operations in Afghanistan

At least 37 militants have been killed in newest military operations in eight provinces of Afghanistan, Khaama Press quoted the Ministry of Interior as saying on Saturday.

According to a statement released by the ministry the militants were killed in Ghazni Takhar, Kunduz, Faryab, Badakhshan, Sar-e-Pul, Helmand and Oruzgan provinces in past 24 hours.

21 other militants were wounded and two arrested in these operations,

Afghan security forces defused 12 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) placed by militants, the statement adds.

In the meantime, a statement issued by the Ministry of Defense states that 10 soldiers have embraced martyrdom in past 48 hours.

The statement issued by the ministry further states that the soldiers embraced martyrdom in militant fire and landmine explosion.

The statement, however, does not specify the exact location of the incidents.