30 Afghani policemen reportedly join Taliban

At least 30 Afghan Local Police (ALP) soldiers have reportedly joined the Taliban ranks in northern Baghlan province of Afghanistan, Khaama Press reported on Thursday. 

The ALP forces have joined the Taliban ranks in Dand-e-Ghori district where heavy clashes have been reported among the Taliban and Afghan security forces, sources said.

The sources, speaking on the condition of anonymity, added that the ALP forces had also taken with them 25 weapons.

The Taliban militants group has commented regarding the report so far which comes as local officials have said the Taliban insurgents have launched coordinated attack on Dand-e-Ghori.

According to the earlier reports, the Taliban insurgents have managed to take control of certain areas in Dand-e-Ghori which is located close to Pul-e-Khumri city, the provincial capital of Baghlan province.

The provincial police chief, General Mohammad Ewaz Naziri, said clashes continued between the militants and Afghan forces but he did not confirm the fall of area to the Taliban militants.

The Afghan forces retook full control of Dand-e-Ghori from Taliban insurgents during the last months which followed weeks after the area was in control of the militants.

The security situation in Baghlan has sharply deteriorated amid rampant Taliban-led insurgency across the country, including northern provinces.

Source: MENA