Afghan national army special forces operation

29 insurgents have been killed in Afghan National Security Operation in southern Helmand Province.
Hundreds of soldiers of Afghan National Forces are taking part in this operation, Interior Ministry of Afghanistan said in a statement carried by Khaama Press.
The statement added that most of the areas of Sangin District has been cleared from the insurgents.
24 insurgents were killed and six others wounded during confrontation with Afghan National Security Forces in Boostan and Shakar Shila areas of Sangin District, the statement said.
22 Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) were also seized and defused by the Afghan National Security Forces, the statement adds.
This operation which is named Zulfiqar in started three days before Helmand province in effort to clean the target areas from the presence of the insurgents.
Operation Zulfiqar is independently run by Afghan National Security Forces. This operation is reportedly one of the biggest military operation run independently by Afghan National Security Operations following the taking full charge of the security from NATO forces at the beginning of this year.