Up to 29 Taliban militants were killed while 11 others wounded in a series of military operations across Afghanistan since early Sunday, said the country's Interior Ministry on Monday. "Afghan police, army and the intelligence agency carried out cleanup operations in Samangan, Faryab, Zabul, Uruzgan and Helmand provinces within the last 24 hours. As a result, 29 Taliban insurgent members were killed, 11 wounded and three militants arrested," the ministry said in a statement providing daily operational updates. In addition, the Afghan National Police specialists found and defused 12 roadside bombs and landmines planted by militants recently in seven provinces, according to the statement. The statement did not disclose if there were any casualties on the side of security forces. The security forces have recently intensified operations across the country as spring and summer known as the fighting season is drawing near. The Taliban insurgent group has yet to make comments.