Afghan National Army

Eight soldiers embraced martyrdom while 27 militants killed during separate military operations across the country in past 24 hours, statements issued this morning by the ministries of defense and interior state.

According to the Ministry of Defense statement the eight soldiers embraced martyrdom due to a landmine explosion and militant fire. There is no mention of exact location of the terrorist actions, according to the Afghan (Khaama Press).

Another statement issued by the Ministry of Interior states that 27 militants were killed and 10 wounded during separate military operations in eight provinces in past 24 hours.

The statement adds that the operations were jointly conducted by Afghan National Police, Afghan National Army and personnel from the National Directorate of Security in Uruzgan, Nangarhar, Helmand, Badghis, Paktiya, Farah, Zabul and Kandahar province.

National security forces also defused several Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) during the operation in Arghistan District of Kandahar province, the statement adds.