A total of 16 insurgents were killed during military operations across Afghanistan since early Monday, the Afghan Interior Ministry said on Tuesday. "Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF) launched several cleanup operations in Nangarhar, Zabul, Wardak, Logar, Ghazni, Paktika, Helmand and Nimroz provinces over the last 24 hours. The ANSF killed 16 Taliban insurgents, wounded six and detaining seven others during the above raids," said the ministry in a statement providing daily operational updates. In addition, the Afghan National Police (ANP) found and defused 33 roadside bombs and landmines in different parts of the country over the same period of time. The army and police have stepped up efforts to clear the militants across Afghanistan as the country is preparing for the presidential and provincial council elections slated for April 5 this year. More than 2,900 civilians were killed and nearly 5,700 wounded in conflicts and Taliban-led attacks in this war-torn south Asian nation last year, according to figures released by the UN mission officials.