President Mahmoud Abbas

 Presidential spokesman Nabil Abu Rudainah said the speech of President Mahmoud Abbas before the United Nations, scheduled for next Wednesday, will be extremely important.

Abu Rudainah said Abbas will emphasize the need for a two-state solution of Palestine and Israel, based on the 1967 borders and with East Jerusalem as the capital of the independent State of Palestine.

The presidential spokesman reiterated the position of the leadership that there should be no “temporary [Palestinian] state nor a state in the Gaza Strip without the West Bank and Jerusalem.” He said the Palestinian leadership will only accept an “independent and sovereign state based on the 1967 borders.”

During his visit to the United States, Abbas is scheduled to meet with US President Donald Trump to discuss the outlook of the US efforts in the Middle East, Abu Rudainah added.

Abbas will also meet with a number of world leaders and Arab and international delegations.

Source: PNN