Prisdent Donald Trump

Israeli news paper Haaretz reported Fraidy that U.S. Ambassador to Israel David Friedman  Advises Israeli Officials that American President Serious About Peace, and Israel shouldn’t get into confrontations with him on peace initiative.

According to the report David Friedman tells senior Israeli officials that israel should work with Trump and shouldn’t get into confrontations with him on peace initiative.

Friedman’s advice to his Israeli interlocutors, the official added, was to refrain from getting into confrontations with the president and to help him implement his Middle Eastern policies.

Friedman is expected to arrive in Israel on Monday. The next day, he will go to the President’s Residence in Jerusalem, together with the ambassadors of Spain and Thailand, to present his credentials to Israeli President Reuven Rivlin.

He will then spend a week racing against the clock to finalize the preparations for Trump’s visit, on May 22.

This week, Friedman met with Trump to receive the president’s final instructions and his best wishes for his new job.

Friedman’s own views differ utterly from the president’s on the Israeli-Palestinian issue, but the new ambassador, whose loyalty to Trump is unassailable, intends to leave his personal opinions back home in America.

Source: PNN