The World Tourism Organization (WTO)

The World Tourism Organization (WTO) on Wednesday postponed the vote on Palestine’s request to become a full-fledged member of the organization for its next meetings in the next two years, according to Israeli media

Israel and its allies at the United Nations, especially the United States have launched an international campaign to prevent Palestine from becoming a full member of the World Tourism Organization. This is in line with Israel’s and the Unites States constant efforts to prevent Palestine from developing any status or membership in international organizations.

Israel National News (Arutz Sheva) reported that Palestinians are constantly seeking to develop their international presence by requesting becoming a full-fledged member state in international organization, which Israel and the United States oppose and consider as unilateral steps, this lead them to begin consultations with various countries to thwart Palestine from becoming a full member of the World Tourism Organization

According to the document published a few days ago, the Palestinian Authority has registered as the fastest growing tourist destination in the world. The World Organization for International Security has identified a 57.8 percent increase in the number of tourists who have visited Palestine, whereas Israel has recognized a 25.1 percent increase in incoming tourism in the tourism sector.

Source: PNN