UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres

UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said he believe that it is absolutely essential to make serious progress in the peace process towards the two-state solution.

During his visit to the Yasser Arafat Museum where he placed a wreath at the tomb of the late Palestinian president Yasser Arafat in Ramallah, West Bank . He said that, “There is an urgent need to move the peace  process towards the creation of two Palestinian and Israeli states living  peacefully side by side”.

Guterres said the hope for a serious advancement in the  political process is to see a Palestinian and an Israeli state living side by side in security, cooperation, diplomatic relations and peace, which will end the conflict. He pointed out that his visit to the Yasser Arafat museum and tomb made him overwhelmed as he explained that he as always aware of the political situation through the positions he previously held both in his country and in the United Nations. He added that this is what drives and motivated him into working hard to help make progress in the political process in order to reach peace.

Source: PNN