Israeli soldiers

A Palestinian man stabbed and seriously wounded an Israeli in the southern West Bank before being shot dead, the army said on Monday.

"The assailant stabbed the Israeli in the neck, wounding him severely. The attacker was shot on site, resulting in his death. The wounded victim is now being evacuated for emergency medical care," a statement from the military read.

Israeli emergency medical services spokesman Magen David Adom said they were evacuating a 19-year-old man with a stab wound in his neck to a hospital in Jerusalem, stating that his condition was serious.

The attack, which took place at the Beit Einun junction, north of Hebron, was the latest in a series of nearly a month of Palestinian attacks, many of them in and around the flashpoint city.

On Sunday, a 17-year-old Palestinian girl was shot dead while allegedly trying to knife Israeli border police in Hebron.  
Source: AFP