Palestinian Foreign Ministry Welcomes ESCWA Report on Israeli Practices

The Palestinian Foreign Ministry has welcomed a report issued by the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (ESCWA) in which it stressed that Israel has established an apartheid regime that oppresses and dominates the Palestinian people. 
In a statement issued Thursday, the ministry reiterated the importance of the report that, it said, reflects part of the reality of the Palestinian people's daily suffering due to the racist and discriminatory practices of the occupation. 
The ministry said it has warned over many years if the repercussions of the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people, adding that negative stances of some parties towards the report and dismissing it will not hide the facts included in it and the Israeli crimes against the Palestinian people that amount to crimes of war and against humanity, according to the international law and international humanitarian law. 
The report should alarm the Israeli society to pressure its government to end occupation and stop its racist practices before the Israeli society itself drowns in apartheid, the ministry said. 
It also called on international society to adopt the report and take the necessary measures to end the Israeli practices against the Palestinian people and urged the countries that criticized the report to exercise pressure on the Israeli government to end occupation and stop its racist policies against the Palestinian people to help in the success of the American efforts to revive the peace process. 
Issued Wednesday, the report demonstrates how Israel has imposed an apartheid regime on the Palestinians in order to maintain the domination of one racial group over others. 

Source: QNA