Mexico decided to change its voting strategy

Mexican Foreign Minister Luis Figari Casso has contacted Israel’s ambassador to C, Yoni Peled, and told him that Mexico decided to change its voting strategy in all the upcoming voting procedures related to the Palestinian-Israeli conflict  and will turn from voting to the Palestine to abstaining from doing so, or by voting to Israel, the Israeli news paper, Yedioth Ahronoth reported.

There are Ten out of 20 pro-Palestinian and anti-Israeli resolutions which are proposed annually at the UN on the eve of November 29.

In the past, Mexico belonged to the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) and therefore voted as the movement, against Israel. Since April, Israel has observed a consistent change in Mexico’s voting patterns. In April, Mexico abstained from voting against Israel for a UNESCO decision regarding Israel’s status in al-Haram al-Sharif in Jerusalem. Also in the WHO vote on health in the Palestine, Mexico changed from voting against Israel to abstaining, and last week Mexico voted for Israel during a debate at UNESCO.

Netanyahu’s successful visit to Mexico last September and after the Israeli Aid delegation sent to Mexico during its earthquake helped to warm relations between the two countries.

Source: PNN