Israeli police on Tuesday arrested Palestinian protesters in Jerusalem demonstrating against the death of a prisoner with cancer.Amjad Abu Asad, who heads a Jerusalem-based committee for prisoners\' families, said 11 protesters were arrested and would appear in court on Wednesday.The head of the Jerusalem office of the Palestinian Prisoners Society, Nasser Qous, and paramedic Fuad Ubeid were among those arrested, Abu Asad told Ma\'an.Israeli police spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said nine Palestinians were arrested at the protest in Jerusalem\'s Old City. He said demonstrators threw rocks and bottles at police who arrived at an \"illegal demonstration.\"The Palestinians were arrested for their involvement in the disturbance, Rosenfeld said.Abu Asab said police deliberately provoked demonstrators.\"The way Israeli occupation forces crushed the Jerusalemite solidarity activists indicate that the Israeli forces did it deliberately. Stun grenades were fired haphazardly injuring several people including women, paramedics and journalists,\" Abu Asab said.He identified those detained as Inam Qleibou, Nasser Qous, Yousif Mukheimar, Waad Qannam, Lafi Ramouni, Imad al-Huseini, Zakariyya Hijazi, Fuad Ubeid, Malik al-Dibs, Ahmad al-Juabah and Muhammad Gheith.Further activities are planned in the coming days in solidarity with Palestinian prisoners, Abu Asad added.The death of prisoner Maysara Abu Hamdiyeh in Israeli custody on Tuesday sparked protests in prisons and on the Palestinian street.Palestinian officials say Abu Hamdiyeh did not receive treatment until his cancer had spread, and condemned Israel\'s refusal to release him on compassionate grounds.