All part of Israeli Government are currently working their best in order to strengthen Israeli occupation

All part of Israeli Government are currently working their best in order to strengthen Israeli occupation in the land and impose Israeli law on the West Bank areas as they attempt to continue Judaizing Palestine.The latest plans aim at accelerating the steps of Judaization in the city of Jerusalem and changing the demographic structure in the region, the Israel Planning and Building committee approved a new settlement plan to build 4500 settlement units south of occupied Jerusalem.

According to the plan, 600 dunums will be set for the construction of settlement units and another 1,000 dunums to be joined later to the so-called “Valley of Raphaim”, located to the south of the hill that is intended for construction. Israeli authorities claim that construction in this area is necessary due to the lack of building land in occupied Jerusalem.

Israel authorities tend not to draw attention to their expanding plans by manipulating the international law and the UN resolution 242 as they are working to implement major settlement projects by establishing what is known as the “Greater Jerusalem” plan by joining the surrounding settlements to Jerusalem.

Minister Yisrael Katz and MK Yosef Kish of the Likud Party proposed a law for the Knesset to reduce the number of Arabs and increase the number of Jewish settlers by bringing 150 thousand Israeli settlers and joining five of the settlements built on the occupied West Bank,which are  Maale Adumim, Givat Ze’ev, Gush Etzion, Efrat, Betar Illit Jerusalem. This plan will prevent the establishment of a Palestinian state and thus will lead the two states solution to a dead end.

At the same time, the Israeli government decided to allocate NIS 60 million to resume the construction of “Amihai” settlement which will replace the “Amona” settlement outpost, which was evacuated months ago. The budget was transferred by the Benjamin Regional Council, which will use this budget to resume construction in the settlement. This deal which was drawn up by the head of Netanyahu’s office, will be part of the initial budget set by the Israeli government last December to house and compensate the settlers of Amona for 130 million shekels.

The Israeli government also approved large budgets for infrastructure development in West Bank settlements. Netanyahu announced to his Likud party ministers that he would include the bypass roads separating the settlements in the West Bank from the Palestinian towns as part of the “National Infrastructure Plan” However, Many of the Israeli ministers objected saying that that this plan addresses only one percent of the roads surrounding the settlements.

The Settlers’ Regional Council in the Nablus area launched a phone application to prevent what they called “illegal Palestinian construction” and to ensure that no outposts are evacuated after several complaints by settlers that Palestinians are randomly building buildings without permits. They also claim that Palestinians are aggressively taking over lands within borders of settlement municipalities said Chairman of the Council of Settlements Yossi Dagan, this application is a “method of control and is urgent because of the amount of illegal Palestinian buildings”.

On the other hand, the so-called Israeli Ministry of Justice,  has confirmed the property of 876 dunums of agricultural land in the “Habaila” south of the city of Bethlehem from land near the settlement “Etzion” settlment outpost to “Asionah” Company which is owned by settlers. Despite the fact that there is an issue between the Palestinian side and the occupation concerning this area since 18 years and it has not been settled yet.

The Israeli high Court rejected the petition of the Legal Center of Arab Minority rights in Israel to amend the law that enables the government from transferring things under government power to the power of the World Zionist organization. Their petition was submitted along with another one which ratified granting government power to the settlement unit in the World Zionist Organization, which works for the interest of the Jews only and clearly declares that in its ideological motives and it does not approve of the principle of equality for Arab citizens. “This decision implements a racist separation policy against Arab citizens and violates their rights with equality and dignity”.

The Palestinian National Office for Land Defense and Resistance denounced the crime of the Israeli occupation forces who expelled Shamasna family from their home in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Jerusalem and their establishment of a new settlement outpost in Silwan village in the southern part of Al-Aqsa Mosque. They also established a settlement outpost on the lands of Jalud village near Nablus.

The National Office also considered the remarks of MK Betzeliel Smutritich of the Jewish House Party, a clear incitement to attack Palestinians and their property, where he spoke to Israeli media about a proposal to establish a government mechanism to provide huge compensation to motivate Arabs For emigration from Judea and Samaria). This is In order to kill any hope for establishing a Palestinian state.

The national office also considered the statement of the American ambassador  who described the Israeli occupation of the Palestinian land as (claimed occupation) a blatant departure from the rules of diplomatic conduct and international law and open attempts to cover the daily violations and daily violations against the Palestinian people, as well as an encouragement to  the occupation to continue its war on the Palestinian presence, and to continue  its rebellion against international law and resolutions of international legitimacy.

It is important to mention that The American ambassador expressed his bias toward the Israeli occupation, where he participated a few months ago in a ceremony for celebrating declaring an Israel state. He also visited one of the settlements in May to attend a wedding, in addition to many positions and articles that support the occupation and the settlements.

Here a list of the assaults document by the Palestinian National Office for Defense of the Land and Resistance

Hebron:  Settlers from the Beit Romano and Beit Hadassah gatherings in the heart of Al-Shuhada Street in the old city in Hebron attacked a Palestinian Red Crescent ambulance that was going to transport a sick child in a critical condition. The settlers attacked the ambulance, beat the driver from the window, stood in front of it and throw iron pipes and rifle butts on the sides and doors of the car, endangering the life of its driver before it was allowed to enter after an intervention by the International Committee of the Red Cross.

Bethlehem: An Israeli settler ran over a 30-year-old Palestinian man near the village
 of Husan, west of Bethlehem, and fled. He was then taken to Hadassah Hospital in
Jerusalem where he was seriously wounded. The Israeli occupation forces began
an expansion of the military tower at the entrance Al-khader city which connects
 Hebron and Bethlehem.

Nablus: Israel has established a new settlement outpost after it built a settlement
 road near the village of Jalud, south of Nablus The Israeli occupation forces
prevented the farmers from harvesting the wheat crop in these lands, and today
 they took over the land of the village. Settlers set up a caravan, a large tent, and
 set up a road. The Israeli occupation forces have informed Palestinians
 in the area of the destruction of the water line connecting
 the village of Duma, south of Nablus, and distributed notices to the them.

Settlers assaulted 16-year-old Osama Jamil Daghlis, who was severely beaten while
 he was near the settlement of "Homesh", north of Nablus, and forced him to take off
 his clothes. He was taken to the hospital
 for treatment.

A number of settlers from the village of Al-Sawiya, south of Nablus,The settlers
 infiltrated into the Wadi area north of the village of Sawya and
 cutdown 43 olive trees owned by Jum'a Mohammed Khair Allah.

Qalqilya: The Israeli occupation forces handed over a number of residents of
 Jeet village east of Qalqiliya town with demolition notices and
the date of 27 October to protest against the demolition orders in
Israeli courts. the demolition orders that were distributed today were instigated
by the settlers, who are planning to take over this land of the
village to expand settlements.

Source: PNN