The Israeli Supreme Court on Wednesday 13/9/2017 will look into a petition filed by the Prisoners Committee

The Israeli Supreme Court on Wednesday 13/9/2017 will look into a petition filed by the Prisoners Committee and the Jerusalem Legal Aid and Human Rights Center, which proposes releasing the bodies of nine Palestinian martyrs held in mortuaries.

Israeli Authorities have been keeping nine Palestinians Martyrs in refrigerators, some of which have been detained for over a year, denying families from burying their loved ones,

The Israeli prosecution rejected the requests under the pretext of possible future exchange deals with Hamas.

The name of the 9 martyrs are: Abdel Hamid Abu Srour, Musbah Abu Sbieh, Fadi Qanbar, Mohammed Al-Faqih, Rami Awartani, Mohammad Tarayra, Adel Ankoush, Osama Atta, Baraa Atta.

The prisoners Committee called for pressuring Israel to stop this ‘crime against humanity’ and to immediately halt policies of detaining   Palestinian Martyr bodies, which it considered a war crime and a violation of all international laws.

According to the Prisoners Committee there are about 249 martyrs held in the cemetery of numbers for many years in addition to the nine martyrs held in Israeli morgue.

Source: PNN