Israel Set to Approve 2,100 New Housing Units

Some 2,100 new housing units all over the West Bank will be on the agenda of the planning and building committee of the Israel Defense Forces’ Civil Administration next week according to Hareetz news paper .

The Israeli paper added :”Some 1,500 of the units are to be constructed inside the settlement blocs, and the rest will be outside them. The highest planning council for the West Bank announced the agenda for its meeting next week on Friday morning”.

Despite the rather large amount of construction under consideration, the settler leadership is somewhat disappointed because they had hoped for thousands more units to be discussed by the planning council. This is the first significant meeting of the council since U.S. President Donald Trump took office in January.

The council will meet to issue permits to advance a number of different projects in many settlements. Some of the plans, such as in Susiya in the southern Hebron Hills, Beit El north of Jerusalem and Revava in the northern West Bank are outside the large settlement blocs.

The large amount of the building expected to be approved is in Ma’ale Adumim east of Jerusalem and Ariel.

Source: PNN