Israeli bulldozers

Israeli bulldozers razed a Palestinian coal factory in the West Bank city of Jenin on Thursday and seized tons of goods, Quds Press reported.

Kayid Abu Bakr, who heads a coal factory owners syndicate, said that Israeli forces razed the facility, including two dormitories and 11 storehouses, adding that they seized tons of wood and coal.

bu Bakr said that Israeli settlers living in the illegal Jewish settlement near the coal factory asked the Israeli authorities to get rid of the coal factories, claiming “they cause pollution and disease in the area.”
“The Israeli occupation forces raze Palestinian facilities and lands under fake pretexts in order to expand illegal settlements,” Abu Bakr said.

To prove his assertions, Abu Bakr pointed out the existence of several coal factories in Israel near residential buildings, where no such measures are taken against them.

He said that the owners of the coal factories are planning to move against the Israeli measures that damage their interests and to file complaints against the destruction of these “violations.”

Source: PNN