Israeli occupation authorities

Israeli occupation authorities intend to implement new settlement plans, that were frozen for a long time, including the building of new 4 Jewish neighborhoods in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood and expanding the settlements of Gilo and Pisgat Zeev in occupied Jerusalem, Haaretz newspaper reported Monday.

Haaretz said that there are four plans to build settlements for Jews in Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, one of them will evacuate one Palestinian family to construct a building with three apartments on three floors. Another plan would require the eviction of four Palestinian families to build a five-story building with 10 apartments.

In addition to these two plans, the so-called the Jerusalem District Planning Commission is expected to discuss another plan aims to establish a Talmudic religious school in an open space in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood, not far from a gas station, although the law prevents the construction of public buildings near gas stations.

According to the plan, the Talmudic school will consist of eight floors and two additional floors designated for emergency and rescue public institutions.

The fourth plan aims to construct a six-storey office building by Israeli investors in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood.

The District Commission is expected to discuss the approval of a plan to build 944 housing units in the settlement of Pisgat Zeev, this week, the plan will be based on land confiscated by the occupation authorities in 1980.

Other plans will be discussed two weeks later, including the construction of 800 housing units in the Gilo settlement, 200 housing units in Ramot, 214 housing units in Neve Yaakov, and 116 housing units in Pisgat Zeev.

Source: Fana News