Al-Aqsa mosque

The Jerusalem Islamic Waqf organizations on Monday said that the Al-Aqsa Mosque Campus is a responsibility of every Muslim, whether for protecting and defending it, and called on regaining international protection of the site against the face of escalating incursions by extremist  Israeli settlers under Israeli police protection, and ongoing Israeli attempts to divide the campus of the mosque, which is the third holiest place in Islam.

The Jerusalem Islamic Waqf organizations on Monday said that the Al-Aqsa Mosque campus is a responsibility of every Muslim, whether for protecting and defending it, and called on regaining international protection of the Al-Aqsa mosque, in the face of escalating stormings by extremist  Israeli settlers under Israeli police protection, and ongoing Israeli attempts to divide the campus of the mosque, which is the third holiest place in Islam.  In a joint statement, the Waqf organizations, which aim on protecting heritage Islamic sites, called on the masses of  people and institutions to return to protecting the mosque, as there is a prelude to imposing new conditions on the mosque in an upcoming deal.

The organizations pointed that these incursions endanger the mosque and place restrictions on it, amid a sharp decline in the involvement of international institutions, especially by the UNESCO and some countries. The statement added that leaving out Al-Aqsa mosque  encourages the occupation to continue such violations.

Source: PNN