Israeli Forces arrested Palestinian

Israeli Occupation Forces arrested on Sunday 12 Palestinians from West Bank cities of Bethlehem, Nablus and Hebron.
Palestinian Security sources reported that the Israeli Forces arrested Mohammad Fouad Adween, 22 years old, from Alazza refugee camp in Bethlehem.
In Nablus, northern of the West Bank, the IOF arrested 9 Palestinians from Aserah el-Qblyeh Village and Askar Refugee Camp after raiding the areas and searching a number of houses.
The arrested were identified as: Moutasem Ahmad Salah, the brothers Nimer and Naser Fathi Asayrah, Jehad Mohammad Asayrah, Sary Basam Asayrah, Mohammad A bed el-Rahman Ahmad, Mohammad Fawaz S aleh and Ahmad Mohsen Jrad.
In Hebron, southern of the West Bank, Israeli armies arrested two Palestinians from the villages of al-Shyoukh and Doura.
Palestinian Security sources reported that the occupation army arrested Fadi Mohammad Ismael Halayqa, 23 years old, and Mohammad Reziq Abryosh, 23 years old, and transferred them to an unknown location.
In a related incident, the IOF handed Wisam Hussin Yousef Shaheen a notice for interrogation.