Netanyahu under the words “Wanted for crimes against human rights

Pro-Palestinian activists in Buenos Aires hung posters of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu in the Hitler’s Schutzstaffel  Nazi uniform prior to his visit to Argentina.

The signs had pictures of  Netanyahu under the words “Wanted for crimes against human rights and the genocide of the Palestinian people” where he is shown wearing the SS  Nazi uniform, and is depicted with a mustache and haircut reminiscent of Adolf Hitler. The signs called on the public to attend an anti-Zionists demonstration titled “Kick the Zionists and Netanyahu out of Palestine”. The headline of the poster read: ‘Disgusting!’

The posters call out Netanyahu as a war criminal, especially for his war crimes in Gaza, the latest being the 2014 aggression which killed at least 2,000 Palestinians, 500 of which were children, and left over 10,000 people wounded. In addition, his government is also still expanding illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, and carrying out collective punishment policies against Palestinian people, including home demolitions, ID withdrawals, wide arrest campaigns and more.

Source: PNN