154 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, under heavy guard

154 settlers stormed Al-Aqsa Mosque, under heavy guard protection from the Israeli Occupation Forces(IOF) on Thursday morning. Settlers raided the area from Al maghariba Gate, through small groups, and carried out suspicious and provocative tours in the Holy site.

The first group of settlers storming included dozens of them in the morning, while other groups were preparing to break into the mosque in the form of a group protected by large numbers of IOF who surrounded them while walking in the squares of Al-Aqsa Mosque making the mosque into a barricade, according to local media

The settlers deliberately defile the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque and storm it early every day at 7 am, taking advantage of the small number of people at the Mosque at this time and having IOF to protect them.

Source: PNN